About Expertise

By admin, 1 September, 2022
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The rating of a player's progress through the quiz is indicated by the Expertise ranking. There are four levels of Expertise:

Novice: The player has limited knowledge about the place. The player can learn from the quiz and additional source. 

  • Novice: The player has little knowledge of the place.The player can a lot from the quiz.
  • Intermediate Knowledge: The player and some knowledge about the place. The player can learn from the quiz. 
  • Good Knowledge: The player has good knowledge about the place.
  • Expert: The player knows the place very well. The player can teach others about place. 

The rating is determined using the ratio of actual score of the player to the maximum score possible of the quiz to date. The score is not shown in the app. Only the Expertise level is shown. When the quiz is in progress, the expertise level is a Trending value. When the quiz is completed the expertise level is the Final value.